Leading by Influence
What calls you to your work
When did you first learn the values that shape your calling today
How do those values show up in your leadership and your calling today?
What calls you to your work ? When did you first learn the values that shape your calling today ? How do those values show up in your leadership and your calling today? ?
Purpose is essential to a strong culture. It can build real passion, motivation, and buy-in from all, for your organization. Purpose is often activated and reinforced through storytelling. We use moments and stories to articulate and align on a shared purpose.
This workshop is inspired by the works of Marshall Ganz at Harvard University, and Rosi Greenberg at Drawn To Lead.
Up to 30 people
Workshop Participants Leave With
Sense of clarity on and an inspiring narrative of their mission
Ability to see how each person’s values add up to the team’s missions
Practices and toys for energizing, motivating, and influencing others
Session Includes
Live facilitation and coaching
Pre-Work Exercises
Post-Work Exercises
Aftercare Resources
Visual Recording*