Perspectives and resources on becoming better leaders & knowing those you serve so you can tackle big, gnarly problems!
Every person is a gold mine
“Mining gold” mindset + container setting can be the different between one of those “is this a waste of my time” events and “this has been a highlight of my year” events.
Prototyping as a research tool
Use prototyping as a research method. By building and creating, we form a mind-body connection. This unveils new insights about the problem space. Aka a quick way to stop navel-gazing and start learning.
Go ahead. Chase that dream. It’ll change your life.
How the climb of running a business has been for me recently and how it’s making me wiser about a life well lived!
I was 8yrs old when I numbed myself from the pain of the world
“And isn’t that the calling of our times: Do the internal work so we can witness and hold the suffering of others, all around us, instead of running away from it.”
Have you ever disconnected from yourself, to build your professional persona?
Why we need to connect with ourselves, our teams, and those we intend to serve and lead if we want to move the needle on the issues that matter most to us.
Don’t tell me (or Taylor Swift) that “you’ll be fine” and other tips for holding vulnerability
Being vulnerable with others is extremely hard and very important for meaningful connection. As the receiver, holding vulnerability is equally hard and important work — so let’s be intentional with it